Sunday, May 29, 2011

Learning styles-Really

There is definitely a place for learning styles, but is it necessary to chose one or the other? Just as everyday life happens , do learning styles change as we grow? I say yes, our learning style does change and should. This activity of blogging is a change from what we did 5-10 years ago, it is a from of learning, but is it helpful to all types of learners? I would think not. I feel it is so important to be aware of your personality, motivation and emotions when pursuing a new experience.

-Learning styles: Do they change when we change?


DB said...

Your blog is working. I totally agree that blogging is way different then my traditional way of learning. Roll with the punches and keeping up with technology is a must.

Have fun,

Michelle B said...

Yep! I can see it! you might want to consider another color/size/font combo, though. The one you have is really hard to read. I like the color & the font, but I think the size is the problem. Love the fish! As far as learning styles, I do think they develop as we do. I'm a little hesitant to use the labels set forth because I am afraid they will stifle growth in the learners we encounter.

tm48thoughts said...

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll change the font size now.

tm48thoughts said...

I found the articles on this website very interesting in respect to education. One of the bloggers commented :"the idea that there is a difference between using technology to do things differently and using technology to do different things is a great point."
I can relate to this as I myself have a difficult time using technology to do different things. Does anyone have some ideas they could share? This idea is an advanced sort of thinking and can become difficult to implement. I think that often the applications and different software or computer equipment makes this more difficult. I know I've had challenges and often this creates a level of anxiety that detours my learning. The fact that this world is so different from the one we grew up in when using technology makes it imperative we own our own learning. As the facilitator, we must find a way to impower our students , sometimes we provide the informatio and sometimes we allow the student to find it themselves. This is another topic of debate: As Morten T. Hansen points out in his book “Collaboration”, what’s important is not collaboration as such, but the right sort of collaboration.When and how do we know this in order to promote learning?

Jenni J said...

I agree with your thoughts that our learning styles change as we change. In one of our text books it talked about the fact that students have a preferred learning style but in order for them to be successful in higher education they must be able to adapt. I totaly agree with that statement and think that as we introduce our students to new learning styles they are creating an inventory of learning styles that they can then use as needed depending on what they are attempting to learn.